Dog Bite Injuries and Tennessee Law | Nashville Lawyers

In the State of Tennessee, a dog owner may be liable for dog bite injuries their dog causes under a few different legal theories.

The first legal theory is referred to as “strict liability.” This means that the dog owner is automatically liable for any dog bite injuries their dog causes, regardless of whether or not they knew their dog was dangerous.

The second legal theory is known as “the one bite rule.” Under this rule, a dog owner is only liable for dog bite injuries if they knew or should have known their dog was dangerous. This can be proven if the dog has previously bitten someone or shown other signs of aggression.

If you have been injured by a dog in Tennessee, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to determine which legal theories may apply to your case.

According to the law in Tennessee, people who have dog bite injuries have one year to file a personal injury lawsuit against the dog’s owner. In most cases, one year begins on the date of the injury and closes one calendar year later. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if the dog’s owner was not aware of the dog’s aggressive tendencies, then the victim may have longer to file a lawsuit. It’s important to speak to an attorney to see if any of the exceptions may apply in your case.

In Tennessee, dog owners are held strictly liable for any injuries or damage caused by their dog, if the injured person was in a public place or lawfully in a private place. This means that even if the dog had never shown any previous aggression or hostility, the owner would still be held responsible for any damages caused by the dog. as well as any medical expenses incurred as a result of the dog bite. This law is in place to protect people from potentially dangerous dogs, and to ensure that dog owners take responsibility for their dog’s actions. As such, it is important to be aware of this law if you are ever bitten by a dog in Tennessee.

The good news is that in most cases, the dog’s owner is liable for the bite, regardless of whether they knew the dog would act aggressively.

In contrast, if somebody is on private property that the dog’s owner owns, rents, leases, or has permission to occupy when the injury happens, the “one bite” rule applies. According to this rule, an injured person must demonstrate that the dog’s owner knew about or should have known of potential aggression for the courts to hold liability against The classic example is a “Beware of Dog” sign posted on the premises before an attack by the animal.

Are you not sure whether you have a dog bite injury case? Contact us to discuss it further and find out.

Tennessee Accident Law would be happy to help!

Updated 11/20/2023